The inside coverage of motorsports for the previous Sunday was a treasure trove on articles and advertisements that was very interesting. Consider the fact that the Audi's basically had their way with the pole-setting Peugot's and had it not been for a couple of out-of character incidents during the race the Audis would have been one, two, three in the race with ease. Of course that is why you race -- but in the end the Audi had a 10 lap lead on the Peugeot, which it appears was lucky to finish.

Coverage of the event was in two stories, the first of which was headlined with a picture of the Audi splashing to victory in the rain with the headline "Audi vainc, Peugeot convainc" which again roughly translated means Audi defeats, Peugeot convinces. Accurate and interesting. That the Peugeot team hung in there for the 24 hours put significant pressure on the Audi team, particularly given the fact they were down to one car and had to be thinking "What else can happen?"

There was also inside coverage from the Formula One race and an add touting Michelin's 10 consecutive win at Le Mans -- nice but since they supply 95 percent of the tires there, not surprising.
However, the treat of the day was the full page back cover ad by Audi. It is a very dynamic image with two really nice touches -- first the headline -- which again my translation is not 100 percent accurate -- "C'est normal d'arriver premier quand on a un an d'avance". My translation is "That's normal to arrive first when you are year ahead" which I guess is a shot at Peugeot's three year plan. But the Coup de Grace is the photo -- if you look at the large version of the ad and check the rear view mirror of the Audi -- you will see the Peugeot.

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